I Stood On A Nail At Work – Can I Claim Compensation?

By Cat Reeves. Last Updated 19th December 2024. To claim personal injury compensation if you stood on a nail at work, you would need to prove that the accident was your employer’s fault. Employers are responsible for their employee’s health and safety while carrying out work tasks. Workplace health and safety law defines the employer’s responsibilities to their employees.  As you will see as we go through the guide, an employer owes their employees a duty of care to take reasonably practicable steps in keeping them safe.

Standing on a rusty nail at work caused because your employer breached their duty of care could entitle you to make a personal injury claim. UK Law could provide advice about claiming compensation for a workplace injury. We work with an experienced panel of personal injury lawyers who can assess your claim. And if your employer is liable for an accident at work, a solicitor from our panel will start working on your claim.

Please get in touch with UK Law today to see if you can claim compensation:

Stood On A Nail At Work Compensation Claims Guide 

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Examples Of Accidents Involving Standing On A Nail

You might have suffered painful and debilitating injuries if you stood on a nail at work. Nail accidents can cause minor or severe injuries, which may mean you can’t walk for some time. Furthermore, the wound could become infected if a dirty nail breaks the skin.

The following hazards can cause a foot injury at work:

  • An employee can step on a protruding nail sticking out of a floorboard.
  • A workplace can fail to remove debris from a walkway, including wooden boards with nails sticking out.
  • Or a workplace could neglect to provide safety shoes at work. Safety shoes are a requirement on construction sites and similar environments to protect against foot injuries.

Please get in touch with UK Law today to see if you are eligible for compensation. An advisor can assess your case and let you know if you can begin a claim.

Can I Claim Compensation If I Stood On A Nail At Work?

You can claim compensation for a foot injury at work if:

  • Your employer owed you a duty of care when the accident took place,
  • The employer neglected your health and safety at work, breaching their duty of care.
  • And the negligence caused a workplace accident that injured you.

Moreover, you must start your claim within the limitation period set by the Limitation Act 1980. The time limit to start a claim for an injury at work is normally three years, beginning from the date of the accident.

Moreover, under The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992, employers are responsible for providing personal protective equipment (PPE) when necessary to do the job safely that is:

  • Fit for purpose
  • Properly assessed before use
  • Provided with instructions
  • What’s more, employers must train workers to use PPE safely

Safety shoes or boots are the PPE used for foot protection on building sites and similar environments. Your employer is responsible for providing you with the correct safety shoes where necessary as part of their duty of care.

What Injuries Could Be Caused By A Rusty Nail?

If you stood on a nail at work, you could suffer the following injuries:

  • Puncture wounds, including deep puncture wounds, can cause excessive bleeding and tissue damage.
  • Lacerations. If a large skin area is torn, you may need surgery to repair it.
  • Infections can happen if you step on a dirty nail. A nurse may need to clean the wound to avoid skin or bacterial infections.
  • Tetanus is a rare infection caused when bacteria gets into a wound. Please seek medical attention, as you may require a tetanus booster or shot.
  • An infection can develop into a more serious condition, such as cellulitis or even sepsis, which can be life-threatening. Or the worker can suffer a bone infection such as osteomyelitis.

How To Prove Your Case

To make a successful personal injury claim, you must prove your employer’s liability for your injuries. You can collect the following evidence after your accident to support your claim:

  • Photograph the hazard that caused your injuries, such as a nail sticking out of a floorboard.
  • Photograph the puncture wound and other injuries suffered.
  • Collect contact information belonging to people who witnessed the accident. These individuals could make a witness statement to support you in the future.
  • Collect CCTV footage of the accident taking place.
  • Report the accident to your manager or supervisor, and ensure it is recorded in the logbook.
  • You will also need to seek the appropriate medical attention. Firstly so, a medic can treat your injuries properly. Secondly, your medical records can be used to support your claim.

You can also call UK Law today for free legal advice about claiming compensation for an accident at work.

Compensation Payouts If You Stood On A Rusty Nail At Work

If you successfully claim compensation for an injury at work, your payout can include up to two heads of claim. The first is general damages, compensating you for the harmful effects of the physical or mental injuries you endured.

You may be curious to know how much compensation your general damage payment could be worth. The compensation amounts are based on 16th edition Judicial College guidelines; however, please understand that if you win your claim, your compensation may vary.

Type Of Foot Or Toe Injury About The Injury Payout Bracket
Amputation – Both Feet Loss of both feet. This is treated as similar to a below the knee amputation due to the loss of the ankle joint. £169,400 to £201,490
Amputation – One Foot Similar to the above category, but affecting a single foot. £83,960 to £109,650
Very Severe Foot Injury Causing severe and permanent pain as well as disability. £83,960 to £109,650
Severe Foot Injury Severe injuries to a foot in which the foot is degloved and requires surgical treatment. £41,970 to £70,030
Serious Foot Injury Where the injury leaves the person with continuous pain and at risk of developing (traumatic) arthritis. £24,990 to £39,200
Moderate Foot Injury The foot is left deformed due to a displaced metatarsal. £13,740 to £24,990
Amputation Of The Great Toe The loss/ amputation of the great toe. Around £31,310
Severe Toe Injury The foot may have been crushed , leading to amputation of one or two toes. £13,740 to £21,070
Serious Toe Injury Serious injuries to the great toe or multiple fractures to other toes. £9,600 to £13,740
Moderate Toe Injury An injury such as a straightforward broken bone. Up to £9,600

You can call our advice line to receive guidance on your compensation payment.

Claiming Special Damages If You Stood On A Nail At Work

In addition to general damages, you may receive special damages compensation. A special damage payment compensates the injured party for expenses associated with their injuries. Here are some examples of what you could be reimbursed for:

  • Medical expenses
  • Travel expenses
  • Care expenses
  • Home or car adaptation costs
  • Mobility equipment costs
  • Loss of earnings if you had to take time off work

Get Help With Your No Win No Fee Claim

You may be interested in making a compensation claim if you were injured because you stood on a nail, but what to do and the process involved may seem complex. This is where a No Win No Fee workplace injury solicitor could help.

Our panel of solicitors have years of experience handling various types of personal injury claims. If one of them agrees to take on your case, they may offer their services on a No Win No Fee basis under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). When working with a solicitor under the terms of this agreement, you do not need to pay any upfront or ongoing fees. Additionally, if your claim fails, you won’t have to pay your solicitor for their services.

You will have to pay your solicitor if your claim succeeds. In this case, they will deduct a success fee from your compensation award. The percentage your solicitor can take as a success fee is capped by law.

To learn more about what to do if you stand on a nail, or to find out if you could be eligible to work with a No Win No Fee solicitor from our panel, get in touch with our team today.

To get in contact with our advisors:

Read More On Accidents And Injuries At Work Claims

The following guides may help you if you want to make an accident claim for an injury at work.

Who Could Be Responsible For A Broken Foot At Work?

I Was Injured Because Of No Manual Handling Training At Work

Are You Entitled To Full Pay If Injured At Work?

Cuts and grazes – a National Health Service Guide

Do I need a tetanus vaccine after an injury? – information from the NHS

Using the right type of PPE – a Health and Safety Executive guide

We appreciate you reading our guide on what to do if you stood on a nail at work.