How Can I Report A Cycling Accident To The Police?

In this guide, we’ll discuss how to report a cycling accident to the police. We’ll also discuss other important steps to take after a bicycle accident, such as getting medical attention and exchanging details.

Road users. such as drivers and riders, owe one another a duty of care to prevent themselves and others using the roads from suffering an injury or suffering damage while on the road. This duty requires them to follow the Road Traffic Act 1988 and the Highway Code.

If you were hit by a car or another vehicle while cycling, you can suffer a number of serious and life-changing injuries. But no matter how major or minor your injuries, if your case meets the personal injury claims criteria, than you may be eligible to claim cycling accident compensation. This means proving another road user, such as a driver, breached their duty of care and led to you sustaining harm as a result.

As we move through our guide, we also look at how a police report and other evidence could be used to help support a personal injury claim.

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A man lays on the floor after being involved in a bike accident.

Select A Section

  1. How Do You Report A Cycling Accident To The Police?
  2. What Evidence Can Help Prove Liability For Bicycle Accidents?
  3. What Other Steps Can I Take After A Cycling Accident?
  4. How A No Win No Fee Solicitor Can Help With Cycling Accident Claims
  5. Further Information On How To Report A Cycling Accident To The Police

How Do You Report A Cycling Accident To The Police?

After being involved in a cycling accident that caused damage to property or harm to you or someone else, it must be reported to the police within twenty-four hours. You don’t have to report it if you exchange details with the other party, but making a report can still be very beneficial.

Many police constabularies allow you to report your accident online using a computer or your mobile phone. This can be useful if you’ve been injured and hospitalised, as no-one else can make a report for you. Check your local police constabulary website to find out if this could be an option for you.

Another way to report a cycling accident to the police is by going to your local police station. There, you can talk to an officer in person and make a formal report. Reporting it this way is only appropriate if you don’t need immediate medical care; if you do, go straight to the nearest hospital or medical centre.

Finally, you can call 999 at the scene if necessary. An officer will be dispatched, and you can make your report there. Generally, the officer taking your report will take down your name and address, and assess whether you or the other party were using the roads in a dangerous manner. They may also talk to witnesses if they attend to the scene.

To learn about cycling accident claims, contact our team of advisors today. Or, read on to find out how reporting an accident to the police could help.

A man clutches his knee after being injured in a cycling accident.

What Evidence Can Help Prove Liability For Bicycle Accidents?

If you choose to make a personal injury claim after being involved in a bicycle accident, you’ll need to be able to prove that the other party is liable. You’ll also need to provide evidence of your injuries, including their severity and how long they’ll take to recover.

Some examples of evidence you could use to prove your cycling claim include:

  • CCTV footage: If the accident was caught on a CCTV camera or a dashcam, you could potentially request the footage to be used as evidence. This could potentially show any dangerous driving from vehicles involved in the accident.
  • Medical records: If you seek medical attention for your injuries, your medical records can help demonstrate the injuries you suffered and any medical treatment you received for them.
  • Police reports: If you report a cycling accident to the police, this means that the report can be used later to support your case. You should receive a police incident number to show the accident has been reported.
  • Witness statements: It can be useful to take down the contact details of anyone who witnessed the accident, such as their mobile telephone number. Then, a professional can take them at a later date.
  • Registration numbers of any vehicles involved in the collision.

One of the benefits of working with a solicitor when you make a personal injury compensation claim is that they can help you gather relevant evidence by talking to witnesses, collating photographs and CCTV footage, and even arranging an independent medical assessment. The report generated from this can show that the injuries you suffered were sustained in the accident for which you’re claiming.

For more information on how to prove fault in claims for cycling accidents, contact our team.

What Other Steps Can I Take After A Cycling Accident?

In addition to ensuring you report the cycling accident to the police and gather evidence if you’re looking to make a compensation claim, there are other steps you may want to take after a cycling accident.

Get Medical Care For Your Bicycle Accident Injury

As we mentioned in the section above, it’s important to seek medical help if you need it following a bike accident, even if you weren’t badly hurt. This is for your own safety, but it can also be a benefit if you were to make a personal injury claim.

After a serious crash, onlookers might call for an ambulance on a mobile phone. In this case, you might receive first aid for a serious injury from a trained professional at the scene, and they can advise on what to do next and when to report the incident.

If you suffered minor injuries, it’s still recommended to seek medical attention after you’ve exchanged details with the other parties involved and report the incident to the relevant authorities. To do this you can visit a local walk-in center, accident and emergency center, or hospital.

Then, if you choose to make a road traffic accident claim, your medical records can be used to prove your injuries and how they’ve affected you.

An onlooker uses their phone to report a cycling accident to the police after hitting someone with their car.

Exchange Details With The Other Road User

You don’t need to report a cycling accident to the police if you exchange insurance details with the other road users involved at the scene. This is for insurance purposes, and must be done even if there is no intent to claim.

If you are a cyclist who was hit by a car, it can be useful to request information from the other driver such as their:

  • Name and address
  • Insurance information
  • Vehicle registration number
  • Contact details

It’s a criminal offence to drive a car or motor vehicle without insurance, so if you are hit by a car and they do not stop or cannot provide details, you must report the incident to the police. Then, if you’d like to claim compensation, you can do so through the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB). The MIB provides those involved in accidents with uninsured or untraceable drivers a way to seek compensation for their injuries.

Even though you aren’t obligated to report a cycling accident to the police if you exchange details with the other road user, it’s still recommended that you do. Contact our team of advisors to learn more.

A bicycle helmet lays on the floor a few feet away from an overturned bike.

How A No Win No Fee Solicitor Can Help With Cycling Accident Claims

If you are interested in making a claim after you report a cycle accident to the police, we are here to help. The claims process might seem complex, but you don’t have to do it alone; a cycle accident solicitor from our expert panel may be able to help.

Our panel work on a No Win No Fee basis, and take claims on under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). Under this kind of contract, your solicitor will start working without taking an upfront fee. You also won’t need to pay for their services if your claim doesn’t succeed.

If it is successful, then you’ll pay a success fee from your compensation. When you agree to a CFA, your solicitor will tell you what percentage they intend to take as their success fee if you win your case. However, this percentage is subject to a legal cap, helping to ensure that you keep the majority of what you receive.

Contact Us

Our team are here to help if you need any other information. They can answer any questions you might have about road traffic accidents, and can help put your mind at ease about the claims process. After evaluating your claim for free, they’ll decide whether or not it could be valid, and may then connect you with one of the road traffic accident solicitors from our panel.

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Further Information On How To Report A Cycling Accident To The Police

For more helpful resources:

Or, to get more information on road traffic accident claims:

Thank you for reading our guide on how to report a cycling accident to the police. If you have any other questions, please call an advisor using the contact details provided above. They can provide further guidance on claims for cycling accidents.